Monday, July 15, 2013

Being a parent is hard.

Yes, I realize my son is only 5 1/2 months old, but it's true. Being a parent is hard.

When Wade and I were dating, our biggest decision/concern on any given day was what to do for dinner. When we got married, our concerns turned toward paying off debts and saving as much as we could. And then when we had Luke, our (my?) concerns seemed to grow into these gigantic snarling beasts that won't leave me alone at night.

Being a wife and a parent is hard.
If you ever feel like you don't spend enough time with your husband, have a baby. Then you'll know what it's like to really not have enough time to spend with him, let alone enough energy to stay awake long enough for any quality time.

Being a stay-home wife and mom is hard.
"Oh, it sure must be nice to be able to stay home and not work."
Yeah, it must be. Wish I knew what it was like.
Thankfully, I have been blessed with a very "easy" baby. He was not colicky. He has no major health concerns other than that pesky bubble on his shoulder, which will be removed next Thursday. He sleeps through most of the noise generated in my home, including the dog and the vacuum cleaner. He is happy, through and through. And even with all of that good fortune in the baby department, I still cannot seem to get on top of the housework. I do laundry almost every day. I constantly have dishes to do. Constantly. My bedroom is a total disaster. My guest room/finished attic/storage area is something comparable to an episode of Hoarders I once saw. The basement isn't much better. Luke's room is still, actually, being turned in to his room.

I haven't felt this inadequate as a person in about 5 years.

Does that feeling ever go away, once the kids come along and seemingly suck the life right outta ya?

I hope it does. I miss me...

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