Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It's been nearly a month since my last post? Whaaaaat...?

I guess time gets away from me more than I actually thought. Eh. It happens when there's a baby in the mix.

Tater Tot is getting pretty big. At two months, he's already over 12 pounds. Not by much, but over nonetheless. People out at the stores will see him and say, "Ohh, look at how tiny!" and I think to myself, "They must be nuts. He's HUGE!"

Anyway. It's been a month since I last posted because there was a lot going on. I change diapers nearly every 2 hours. I feed TT almost as often as I change him. And the laundry.

Oh, the laundry.

One day, he pooped so explosively that I actually had to cut a onesie off of him. I didn't want to even attempt removing those stains... That's the worst of it, though. For now. I'm sure he'll do it again, with gusto.

Also last month, I attended a craft show as a vendor with one of my crafty friends. Let me tell you, this was the most unexciting, uneventful, unprofitable shows in the history of craft shows. We each sold only one item.

My sister-in-law (whom I love very much) bought said items.

Does it count if the only customer is a relative?

I guess I'll have to start wearing my Homeless Sweater to things like this so that people take pity on me and buy stuff (the Homeless Sweater will be explained and pictured at a later date)...

Enough of my random ramblings. I need some sleep.

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