I ordered yarn today, from Eat.Sleep.Knit, a yarn shop (perhaps entirely online, I'm not really certain of that) in Smyrna, Georgia. It is beautiful. It is squishy-looking. It is in colorways that I don't currently have. It will be here in a few days.
No surprise there, right?
In other news, I've been busy working on getting the house packed up and ready for market. Our listing agent came yesterday to take photos, and once they're uploaded to a listing, which in turn is uploaded to the MLS database, I'll share the link with you. My house hasn't been this tidy since I moved in...4 years ago. But not only have I been working on packing and getting our house ready to sell, I've also been busy with preparing for the Bunny Trail Craft Show, taking place in Williamsport, Md, on April 11th and 12th. Aprons are in progress, washcloths are in progress, and sleep is fleeting.
If you're a praying kind of reader, please pray that we can sell our house quickly and for our asking price, and also that I can manage to complete everything I need to complete for the craft show. Thank you in advance, and I bid you goodnight.